AMA Suyanto

IMG-20150605-WA0010Dr. Achmad Manshur Ali Suyanto holds a PhD in Marketing (Southern Cross University – Australia) and he joined Telkom University as lecturer in marketing and strategic management since 2010. He begin his career as employee in Telkom Indonesia for 25 years. His initial background is MBA (Master of Business Administration) from Telkom University and he is a BSc in Engineering from Intitute Teknologi Sepuluh November- Surabaya (ITS). Now, He is 3rd vice rector of Telkom University (Deputy Vice Chancellor III) and regarded as a admission and International collaborator in Telkom University. Under his supervision right now Telkom University has already had 15 collaboration with foreign Universities around the world (Europea, Australia and Asia).  His research interest in management, Strategic Business  and marketing has already contributed research on this area and has already been presented in many international conferences, workshops, seminars and Training. By his 25 years experiences in Telkom Indonesia as professional  and also as academician,

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